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  5. Advice for Teachers

This guidance, created by the UK Government for England, is best practice for all dance teachers, but please acknowledge national equivalents - guidance, laws, and standards.

The full guidance document for providers of out-of-school settings can be read here.

Why do we need to follow this guidance?

By law, you must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the children who attend your classes and protect them from harm.

The Guidance will help you run safe settings to ensure the welfare of the children attending them. The actions outlined are good practice and should be supported by effective leadership and training. You are encouraged to put in place robust policies, that are regularly reviewed, to help you meet your duty of care towards all children attending your classes.

The Guidance is broken down into four helpful sections, which provide checklists, guidance, example scenarios, and questions that a parent or career might ask you.

Please note guidance might vary depending on whether you are a:

  • Large provider: (5 or more volunteers or paid staff members)
  • Small provider: (4 or fewer volunteers or paid staff members)
  • Volunteer, paid employee, or lone provider.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding and child protection is everyone’s responsibility. Read official guidance on how to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and make your approach child-centred.

Read more



DBS checks

Teachers, staff and volunteers have a duty of care towards the children who attend dance classes. Find out more about our safeguarding checks for members.

UK members  International members


Quality Assurance

We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our performance for our dance community. Read advice and assistance on examinations and more.

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Duty of Care

Read advice on how to ensure you are teaching in a safe environment, that risks have been considered policies for first aid, fire safety, and emergency contacts are in place.

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Find out more on how to run your business, including what rules and processes you should have in place for complaints, GDPR, online safety, and child performance.

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